What is
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that
includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools
and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform
using the Java programming language.
It was originally developed by a startup of the same name, Android, Inc.
In 2005, as part of its strategy to enter the mobile space, Google purchased
Android and took over its development work (as well as its development team).
Android Version
Release Date
Code Name
23 September 2008
9 February 2009
30 April 2009
15 September 2009
26 October 2009
20 May 2010
6 December 2010
22 February 2011
19 October 2011
Ice Cream Sandwich
9 July 2012
Jelly beans
31 October 2013
Kit Kat
Android Components
An activity represents a single screen with a user
A service is a component that runs in the background to
perform long-running operations or to perform work for remote processes
Content providers:
A content provider is sharing data between the
Broadcast receivers:
A broadcast receiver is a component that responds to
system-wide broadcast announcements.
of Android
Storage Connectivity
Web browser
Media support
Hardware support
Flash support
of Android
At this top layer, you will find applications that ship with the Android
device (such as Phone, Contacts, Browser, etc.), as well as applications that
you download and install from the Android Market. Any applications that you
write are located at this layer.
Exposes the various capabilities of the Android OS to application
developers so that they can make use of them in their applications.
These contain all the code that provides the main features of an Android
OS. For
example, the SQLite library provides database support so that an
application can use it for data storage. The WebKit library provides
functionalities for web browsing.
At the same layer as the libraries, the Android runtime provides a set
of core libraries that enable developers to write Android apps using the Java
programming language. The Android runtime also includes the Dalvik virtual
machine, which enables every Android application to run in its own process,
with its own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine.
virtual machine
Android applications are compiled into the Dalvik executables (.dex).
Dalvik is a specialized virtual machine designed specifically for Android and
optimized for battery-powered mobile devices with limited memory and CPU.
This is the kernel on which Android is based. This layer contains all
the low level device drivers for the various hardware components of an Android
Store (Android Market)
As such, in August 2008, Google announced the Android Market, an
online application store for Android devices, and made it available to users in
October 2008. Using the Market application that is preinstalled on their
Android device, users can simply download third-party applications directly
onto their devices. Both paid and free applications are supported on the
Android Market, though paid applications are available only to users in certain
countries due to legal issues.
The next important piece of software you need to download is, of course,
the Android SDK. The Android SDK contains a ADT, debugger, libraries, an
emulator, documentation, sample code, and tutorials. You can download the
Android SDK from here.
Once the SDK is downloaded, unzip its content into the C:\Android\
folder, or whatever name you have given to the folder you just created. You
will have the below items:
eclipse (Folder) - IDE
sdk (Folder) - Android Software development kit
SDK Manager (File) - Android
Software development kit Manager
Development Tools (ADT-Eclipse)
The ADT Bundle provides everything you need to start developing apps,
including a version of the Eclipse IDE with built-inADT (Android
Developer Tools) to streamline
your Android app development. You can do the following operations with
Create new Android application projects.
Access the tools for accessing your Android emulators and devices.
Compile and debug Android applications.
Run the Application.
Export Android applications into Android Packages (APK).
Create digital certificates for code-signing your APK.
Android Virtual Devices (AVD s)
The next step is to create AVD to be used for testing your Android
applications. AVD stands for Android Virtual Devices. An AVD is an emulator
instance that enables you to model an actual device. Each AVD consists of a
hardware profile, a mapping to a system image, as well as emulated storage,
such as a secure digital (SD) card. You can create as many AVDs as you want in
order to test your applications with several different configurations. This
testing is important to confirm the behaviour of your application when it is
run on different devices with varying capabilities.
Follow the below steps to create AVD:
Start the AVD Manager:
o In Eclipse: select Window
> AVD Manager, or click the AVD Manager icon in the Eclipse toolbar.
o In other IDEs:
Navigate to your SDK's tools/ directory and execute the android tool with no
In the Virtual Devices panel, you'll see a list of
existing AVDs. Click New to create a new AVD. The Create
New AVD dialog appears.
Fill in the details for the AVD.
Give it a name, a
platform target, an SD card size, and a skin (HVGA is default). You can also
add specific hardware features of the emulated device by clicking the New... button
and selecting the feature. For a list of hardware features, see Hardware options.
Note: Be sure to
define a target for your AVD that satisfies your application's Build Target
(the AVD platform target must have an API Level equal to or greater than the
API Level that your application compiles against).
Click Create AVD.
Your AVD is now
ready and you can close the AVD Manager, create more AVDs, or launch an
emulator with the AVD by selecting a device and clicking Start.
of an Android Application
src: Contains the .java source files for your project. In this example, there
is one file, MainActivity.java. The MainActivity.java file is the source file
for your activity. You will write the code for your application in this file.
Android 4.4 library: This item contains
one file, android.jar, which contains all the class libraries needed for an
Android application.
gen: Contains the R.java
file, a compiler-generated file that references all the resources found in your
project. You should not modify this file.
assets: This folder
contains all the assets used by your application, such as HTML, text files,
databases, etc.
res: This folder
contains all the resources used in your application. It also contains a few
other subfolders: drawable-<resolution>, layout, and values.
AndroidManifest.xml: This is the manifest file for your Android application. Here you specify
the permissions needed by your application, as well as other features (such as
intent-filters, receivers, etc.).
World Application
To create an Android project using Eclipse, you need to supply the
information shown in Table:
Project name
The name of the project
A user-friendly name for your application
Package name
The name of the package You should use a reverse domain name for this.
Create Activity
The name of the first activity in your application
Min SDK Version
The minimum version of the SDK that your project is targeting
The main.xml file defines the user interface for your activity. Observe the following
version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The @string in this case refers to the strings.xml file located in the res/values folder.
Hence, @string/hello refers to the hello string defined in the strings.xml file, which is “Hello World, MainActivity!”:
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
<string name=”hello”>Hello World, MainActivity!</string>
<string name=”app_name”>HelloWorld</string>
It is recommended that you store all the string constants in your
application in this strings.xml file and reference these strings using the @string identifier. That way,
if you ever need to localize your application to another language, all you need
to do is replace the strings stored in the strings.xml file with the targeted language and recompile your application.
Observe the content of the AndroidManifest.xml file:
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
android:targetSdkVersion="19" />
<action android:name=”android.intent.action.MAIN” />
<category android:name=”android.intent.category.LAUNCHER” />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”9” />
The AndroidManifest.xml file contains detailed information about the application:
It defines the package name of the application as android.rajesh.calendar.
The version code of the application is 1. This value is used to identify
the version number of your application. It can be used to programmatically
determine whether an application needs to be upgraded.
The version name of the application is 1.0. This string value is mainly
used for display to the user. You should use the format : <major>.<minor>.<point> for this value.
The application uses the image named icon.png located in the drawable
The name of this application is the string named app_name defined in the
strings.xml file.
There is one activity in the application represented by the MainActivity.java file. The label displayed for this
activity is the same as the application name.
Within the definition for this activity, there is an element named <intent-filter>:
The action for the intent filter is named android.intent.action.MAIN to indicate that this activity serves as
the entry point for the application.
The category for the intent-filter is named android.intent.category.LAUNCHER to indicate that the
application can be launched from the device’s Launcher icon.
Finally, the android:minSdkVersion attribute of the <uses-sdk> element specifies the minimum version of the OS on which the application
will run.
As you add more files and folders to your project, Eclipse will
automatically generate the content of R.java, which at the moment
contains the following:
package net.learn2develop.HelloWorld;
public final class R {
public static final class attr {
public static final class drawable {
public static final int icon=0x7f020000;
public static final class layout {
public static final int main=0x7f030000;
public static final class string {
public static final int app_name=0x7f040001;
public static final int hello=0x7f040000;
You are not supposed to modify the content of the R.java file; Eclipse automatically generates
the content for you when you modify your project.
Finally, the code that connects the activity to the UI (main.xml)
is the setContentView() method, which is in the MainActivity.java file:
package net.learn2develop.HelloWorld;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first
created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Here, R.layout.main refers to the main.xml file located in the res/layout folder.
As you add additional XML files to the res/layout folder, the filenames will
automatically be generated in the R.java file. The onCreate() method is one of many methods that are fired when an activity is loaded.